
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today was simulation day. We were first split in half, and one half had lecture while the other half did simulation for the first half of the day. Then, after lunch, we switched. I had lecture in the morning and simulation this afternoon. Within our "half" of the class, we were separated into 4 groups of 4.

First we had a small orientation to the lab. Then we talked about doing good CPR. Then we were given a scenario and we had to take turns being a Team Leader (the person in charge), the nurse doing the assessment on the patient, the Scribe (the person who is writing down all of the info regarding the case) and the floater (the person who does whatever is needed). The first 2 scenarios were more for getting us acclimated and working on our assessments. The patients were "sick" but nothing potentially fatal. Then we watched the instructors run a code. After that, we broke into our groups and we were given another scenario.

This time I was the Team Leader. YIKES! (Yes I know its not real, but its nerve wracking all the same. Plus we're being video-taped and watched from every angle by all the instructors).

I ran my first (simulation) code. It was crazy. I have a loooonnnnggg way to go, and to be honest I felt like a train wreck most of the time. There were some things (ok, maybe a lot of things) at the beginning, small things, that I missed/forgot, but I did recognize what was happening early on, so I was glad for that. I also think that once the mannequin patient "coded" I knew what to do, I knew the patient's rhythm on the monitor, I knew that the patient's rhythm needed a defibrillator and CPR and meds. I knew what meds to give and how much to give and when to give. But like I said, I need some work. A lot of work.

He survived, my mannequin patient, in case you were wondering. :)

Tomorrow and Friday- more lectures. Next simulation is next week, Friday. Stay tuned....


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