
Thursday, April 1, 2010

My clinical yesterday was pretty uneventful. I had 2 patients: a 2 year old boy with asthma and pneumonia (in both lungs) and an 11 year old girl with stomach issues. (sadly, the 11 year old is probably 4 inches taller than me) While I was at lunch, my 11 year old got discharged and was on her way home. Ironically, it seemed that I had more down time with 2 patients then the previous week with 1. at any rate, I find it funny that right before clinicals, I find myself dreading going. I'm not sure why, but I do. I don't know if its the fact that I can't just stay home and hang out, or if its a fear of what the day may bring. But I find once I walk through the hospital doors, I am fine. There really wasn't much going on with my patients except that my 2 year old had to be on constant oxygen via a mask otherwise his oxygen saturation levels would drop below normal levels. They were watching him and repeating tests to decide whether or not to move him into PICU (pediatric intensive care unit). As of when I left the floor last night, he was not going to be moved to PICU.

In other news, I found out from some friends who have my lecture teacher as their clinical instructor that the highest grade in the class was a 90, which is also a B. And after talking to others, it seems that mostly people scored in the high 70's, low 80's. I know someone who got an 89, 2 people that got an 86, one person who got an 85 and then two other people who got an 84 like me. We have about 55 people in our class, so I suppose this means the test was hard if the scores are as they were??? Not sure. But I am still proud, and relieved, that I got a B. Now I am just working on trying (since I haven't started yet) to study ahead of time for my next test. I really slacked off with the first one and I didn't really look over any of my notes until the last few days. I heard the second test is more difficult than the first, and I certainly don't want to lose my B.


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