
Monday, September 26, 2011

I got a job! It's been a whirlwind of a week but it all started a week and a half ago, Wednesday the 14th. I just drove down to Miami to go to a couple of hospitals to see about finding a job. I'm leaving one hospital and heading to another when my phone rings. Its the hospital I had been trying to get a job at in the Emergency Department as an ER Tech for the last couple of months while I was waiting for their Emergency Nurse Training program to begin. The program was on hold indefinitely, with thoughts of the possibility it would begin sometime next year (the program is run by a hospital corporation at all of their local south Florida hospitals, so it is not up to the hospital itself, but corporate). I was told I was getting the ER tech job when all of a sudden it completely fell through, no real explanation why, except that they weren't hiring any more nurses as techs and the director reconsidered. After that, I pretty much wrote off the hospital, thinking I couldn't get any position in the hospital, that maybe something was wrong with me.

So they call me. It's the HR/Nurse Recruiter girl. She tells me that they've found out the program is set to begin this year and she wanted to know if I was still interested and still available. I told her yes to both questions and then she said she should know more by that Friday. The next day she called to tell me I had been scheduled for a phone interview with the CNO of the hospital for Monday, and that if I didn't hear from her by Tuesday, I could call her to follow up. Monday morning she called to reschedule my interview for Tuesday. Tuesday I had my interview, and Wednesday I followed up with her. She said everything was fine, not to worry, and it was just waiting for a final approval before she can offer the position. The next day, she called with an official offer.

So in a week, I went from no possibilities of a job to being hired for a job.

In the ER no less. And to top it all off, my friend that I studied with for every exam in nursing school will be going through the course with me.

Anyway, I begin orientation October 24th for the week. The following week I will be taking an EKG certification course and an ACLS course. Then the following week I begin the program. It's one day a week on the computer, 3 days a week in class, and 1 day a week in a simulation lab. Its about 5 or 6 weeks, with a test every week and then when that is done, I will begin on the floor with another nurse.

I'm beyond excited. Nervous. Scared.


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